The Money Optimist Class

A Proven Program To Transform Your Relationship With Money

Create A Budget

We'll create a budget that's simple and easy to use month in and month out. No math degree or excel wizardry required.

Know Your FI Numbers

We'll use handy calculators to estimate your financial independence number and time to retire so you know where you're going and when you'll get there.

Build strong savings habits

We'll provide you with behavioral and habit forming principles to turbo charge your savings goals and build stronger savings habits.

Save for retirement

We'll break down the different ways to save for retirement and make sure you're maximizing your retirement savings for long term wealth.

Aggressively pay down debt

We'll build a debt payment plan so you can eliminate toxic CC debt and put your student loans behind you.

Generate passive income

We'll walk through different ways to accelerate your journey to financial independence through investing in the stock market, real estate investing, and owning passive income business.

The Problems We're Solving


Of Americans can't cover a $1,000 emergency


In non-mortgage debt for the average American


Of Adults over 55 have no retirement savings


of workers want to eliminate the 40-hour work week

We Have You Covered

MO Money MO Resources

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Personal stories sharing the peaks and pits of pursuing financial independence- successes and failures included.

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Dynamic and easy-to-use calculators that simplify your financial independence math with just a few inputs.

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An all in one financial independence masterclass that gives you everything you need to become financially independent in 20 years.

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All of the premade excel sheets you need to understand your holistic financial picture.

About Us

Welcome to Money Optimist

I started Money Optimist because I believe the personal finance industry is broken. I spent years working in finance and watched as insurance salesmen and "financial advisors" sold friends and family overly complicated and expensive financial products that only had the interests of big banks and corporations in mind. My hope at Money Optimist is to offer a radical reset. While I'm still on my financial independence journey, over the last 10 years, I've been able to pay down $150k in student loan debt in 15 months and grow my net worth to over $1mm in 6 years. The Money Optimist curriculum, tools and resources have been built based on my personal experience managing my finances. My goal is to help you feel confident and empowered with your money so you can chart your own optimistic path towards financial freedom.

Recent Thoughts

Our Latest Thoughts On FI

Thu May 18 2023

Free Sinking Funds Tracker: The Savings Hack That Will Transform Your Money Life

Implementing a sinking fund within our budget was easily the biggest game changer when we started budgeting and pursuing financial independence .

Why? It eliminated the need to dip into savings or go back into credit card debt when one of those expenses, like booking a flight for a summer trip, came up.

Setting up the sinking funds tracker (aka non-monthly expense account) got us out of the credit card debt vortex and gave us confidence in our monthly budget . We knew we'd have enough money to save for our savings goals while also covering all of the unforeseen expenses that come up throughout the year.

Tue May 09 2023

The 10 Best Passive Income Books to Read in 2023

One of the quickest ways to achieve financial independence and escape the rat race is by generating passive income. Diversifying your passive income stream can provide a steady flow of income in early retirement or allow you to build enough of a nest egg in order to take a sabbatical or start semi-retirement. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or a nine-to-fiver, learning how to generate passive income can help you accelerate your wealth-building and live life on your terms.

But when I first started my journey to building passive income, I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of books out there on the subjects of personal finance, cash flow investing, real estate investing, and starting digital businesses. I had a few passive income ideas but didn't know where to start.

So I've compiled a list of my favorite 10 books on passive income. There are multiple paths to earning passive income and almost all of them require quite a bit of active work to build up; but over time, all of these paths can be automated so you can focus on the things that matter most to you.

Tue Apr 11 2023

100 Money Affirmations for Financial Independence

Ready to attract more abundance and prosperity into your life? It all starts with your mindset.

One of the key tools I used to go from being someone who was drowning in debt, living paycheck to paycheck, to becoming debt-free and achieving financial independence, was changing how I thought about money and the stories I told myself. I strongly believe that using a money affirmation can be a simple but effective tool to help shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance in order to live your financial dreams. 

In this article, I'll dive into what money affirmations are, how they work, and why you should consider incorporating them into your daily routine. 

I'll also share 100 money affirmations you can use to build better savings habits, accelerate your wealth, pay down debt and build a fulfilling, meaningful career.

So let's get started!

Start Your Money Transformation today

I'm Ready
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